My Life for the Next Decade

Me in Margaret River, Australia, 2005


I am about to turn 40. Regardless of how I look and feel, this is a lengthy amount of time in life, and I don’t want to waste any more of it. I am motivated by dying.

My 30s were a definite joy. This came with overhauling my health and lifestyle practices – nothing is more important to me than that, but it is first nature to me now, and though I have found that my dharma is to be a health advocate, my passions in life still need tending to, and a couple of them have been neglected for far too long.

My 40s are going to be all about surfing and writing, wellness and survival. Most of my life, I have wanted to be a surfer. I did have a stint of time living on the coast, and partaking often, but I never really improved, never fully dedicated myself to it. I was distracted by boys, I was curtailed by low self-esteem, and plagued by self-doubt and ill-health, mostly mental. I wish I had really focused, gotten private lessons, had the proper gear for my level, been fit and healthy in general – but I wasn’t, and I didn’t. The best I got was at paddling and I could do only the very basics.

This isn’t good enough for me, as I don’t want to get to the end of my life and say, “Wow, I really wish I had spent more time surfing, I never really gave it a good shot, even though I love it more than almost anything else.”

I don’t ever want to be that person. “I wish I had done that. I wish I had eaten better. I wish I had loved more. I wish I was kinder. I wish I had seen more of the world. I wish I had wasted less time.” I never want to say those things. I want to live fully and never miss beautiful opportunities when I have them, because life is precious and rare. LIVING is precious and rare. Most people merely exist. Not me. No. I have a wild heart and I will battle my way through anything to achieve what I want.

It isn’t to impress anyone, it is only for myself, to fill my soul and to see what I am capable of, because I know it is so much. We all have the capacity, we just need to tap in and believe it.

I never believed it when I was younger. I do now.

I want to share my journey because the journeys of others inspire me. I want to share triumphs and failures, because that is what life is. I hope to inspire you to be healthier and to never limit yourself for any reason, particularly age. It is not too late, there is always a way.

Life is NOT about giving up and zoning out. It’s not about avoidance. It’s emotional and vulnerable. I am not myself unless I am healthy and free. I am not myself unless I indulge in the things I love, and help others do the same. All I want is freedom, love, and health, and to help others have the same.

How I Found My Inner Strength and How I Plan to Keep It

In 7th grade I had 2 friends: one who stabbed me in the back repeatedly, and the other who did homework during recess.

Even earlier, in grade 4, I had no friends. Everyone just teased me relentlessly. I was an easy target. I never stuck up for myself.

Both times, my mother considered switching my schools, though it really would have made no difference – I was the bullseye for any bully.

I cried easily. I still do. I never retaliated in words as I felt they would just fall flat and I’d be laughed at more.

Thank god I didn’t grow up with the internet. This was bad enough. I got nasty phone calls, I got dogshit on my doormat, I got evil letters in the mailbox, I had rocks thrown at my house.

I lived one block away from my elementary school, and rode my bike back and forth, especially at lunch time, to escape the other kids more quickly because once we were out of the classroom, I had no safety from the teacher.

I felt like the most pathetic girl on the face of the planet. I was a nice, creative kid, yet no one seemed to want to be around me, and I could never figure out why. I wasn’t that weird early on – or maybe I was? Maybe I just had more imagination. Maybe I just didn’t follow the popular kids, though I tried for a brief time, not that it did me any good. The popular girl was my friend in grade 6, only to turn everyone against me the next year, one of the worst times of my life.

Being 12 is hard. But then there is high school.

I know I’m not alone, and things could have been much worse. I don’t envy kids today and the bullshit they have to deal with in terms of the internet and phones and all that- but it still destroyed me, and it still impacts me. It shaped me.

I’m glad it happened.

High school was way worse. It seemed to have potential at first. No one bothered me but that didn’t last long. Everyone was just finding their way, and then of course all the rumours spread from the old school to the new, except now there were 10 times as many people, and way more free time between classes, there were lockers to deface, and people were much more bold in class and now I had to deal with it IN class as well as outside of it. So I simply started to skip my classes and do what I wanted, which was listen to crazy music and write stories.

Any stories I’ve ever really been into have been about bold, fierce, strong women, or rebels, or survivalists. Everything I was not.

This NEVER changed. I still obsess over these things. But unlike back then, when I couldn’t even punch someone in my IMAGINATION (I always missed), I now believe I can do anything I want. I now believe I am strong, capable, and ferocious.

It started percolating in grade 10, when I simply snapped and began looking darker, being weirder, and actually raising my voice. Actually, once in grade 8 I slapped a guy who was about to tell my guy friend that I wanted to fuck him – in the middle of class! Not only a lie, but I was 12! So I hit him, and everyone was aghast – “Did she SLAP you?!” And then he slapped me back. The teacher clearly had not arrived yet. I didn’t cry, and I felt so proud of myself because I didn’t – he even slapped me twice! My guy friend looked disturbed, but he never found out what happened as far as I know.

But in grade 10, I became a bitch. I had to. I had no choice unless I wanted to be harrassed and pushed around for the rest of my life. It wasn’t a conscious decision, I just started to be drawn to harsher things – maybe this was my way of putting up a wall, I don’t know, but it worked. People started to leave me alone. I cultivated a fantastic bitchface that I’ve never been able to get rid of. It has caused me a lot of problems in my life, but I’d prefer that over people taking advantage of me, or picking on me, or seeing me as an easy target.

I always wanted to be a warrior, or at least someone people wouldn’t fuck with. I never wanted to feel weak again – but I still did, for a long time. I still felt it deeply, though on the surface I intimidated people. I was still mushy in the center. I was like a dog who barks ferociously but that could never bite and would just cower in a puddle if something truly bad happened.

This lasted until I was about 30.

When I was 26 I saw Kill Bill and wanted so desperately to be that badass. But pfft, I was 26! That’s too old to start martial arts! And I lived in buttfuck nowhere, a Canadian surf town, where the hell would I learn Kung Fu, let alone anything else?

I didn’t even check to see if there was anything nearby where I could learn. My belief was that I was just not cut out for it, that it was too late, that I was too old – that it was something I’d never be able to do, unless I trained for a decade and then maybe I’d be half-decent and that wasn’t good enough.

Okay so then a decade went by. If I’d actually started back then I’d be fantastic at Kung Fu by now – but I’m not, and it’s all because I didn’t believe I could do it. I was still the little girl who couldn’t picture myself throwing a punch.

I also was super identified with being a victim. Poor me.

In my 30s that all changed when I focused on getting truly healthy, which in turn raised my confidence so much that I was like a different human being. I realized I could choose any other label other than “victim.” I didn’t ever have to be the little girl with no friends who got picked on, I didn’t have to be the reactive bitch from high school who felt so damn alone that I just got used to it – so used to it that now I prefer it but still envy people with really close friends – I realized I could do anything I truly wanted to do, if I only believed I could do it.

And so I started martial arts when I was 35. I don’t care that I started so late – I am getting older no matter what, so I might as well learn something substantial in that time. And not just for MY OWN sake. YES, I want to be able to defend myself if necessary. But I also want to inspire and teach other girls that they can stand up for themselves too.

Not just physically, though that is so important. You’d think such horrible violence against women would be rare these days but it sure as hell isn’t, and while it is NEVER the woman’s fault, we need to learn some basic, effective, sneaky, nasty techniques to ensure we SURVIVE, because these are our LIVES at stake. We want to LIVE. I sure as hell do – I lived in a state of angst, despair, and horror most of my life. I’m so fortunate I never had to deal with much physical harrassment, though I’ve had a taste, and I can’t even fathom any more than that. I don’t want ANY woman to deal with that. Or any man, girl, boy, or transgender person. NO ONE.

The amazing thing about martial arts is that I felt like I couldn’t do it, that I would just suck. Almost everything I’ve ever attempted, I just thought I sucked and soon gave up. The only things I’ve ever stuck with for life are writing and drawing.

And now this. Ninjutsu has consumed me in a way I never thought it would. I think about it all the time.

I didn’t need confidence to start. DOING IT GAVE ME CONFIDENCE. Even when I feel like I’m doing terribly, I keep going because I have the motivation to get better, and it’s not just all about ME.

There is an event every few years where women in this art teach other women their skills, and these will be skills we can’t really learn from men – there are things we have to deal with than men don’t – in general we don’t have as much physical strength, we are more targeted for sexual violence, and we are subject to harrassment on a regular basis.

Ninjutsu and martial arts in general tends to attract mostly men, which is why this event is special.

I implore you to help me with whatever you can spare, so I can learn more skills from these women, and so I can raise up OTHER women in the future by helping them become fierce and capable as well, because damn does this world need more fierce, amazing women.

Please help me become one of them.


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Thank you!!

How to Overcome Fear in an Increasingly Scary World

Lorra Fae Wildfire of Passion School will inspire you to overcome fear and motivate yourself to be fulfilled in an increasingly scary world

The crumbling of this world lately is heavy on my heart.

I know society has always been this horrible. Killing people for stupid reasons – things that don’t matter. It’s so easy to be hateful.

Now these horrors are more close to home, impossible to ignore – though we continue to be distracted in order to cope, to pretend that we are safe, that we are immortal, that time for our physical bodies is never-ending.

And then wham! We are dead. We are old, feeble, destitute. We lament our wasted days, the moments we gave to useless garbage. Those are completely irretrievable – they are lost and ancient relics, not worthy of a written history, not worth calling “memories” at all, because they’re hollow – shells containing nothing at all.

I see people as conduits for astonishing beauty and discoveries – but humans on the whole seem to be a despicable species. We really have to fight our abhorrent natures to be luminaries. For some the fight is harder than for others. Some lose the war entirely, and cause more wars themselves.

We start out as beacons of hope, and for so many of us it is thwarted by other people, incidents that cause us to shatter, and the heaviness of everything going on in the world. These things drain us, jade us, and often turn us into dust.

Our lives are so fragile and easy to destroy.

Do we want an inner fire that is just an ember, so simple to smother? Or a wildfire impossible to put out?

If our bodies are killed, will we live on? Will everything inside us that was never released be lost forever? Or will we die EMPTY, having purged ourselves of all the ideas and art and music and beauty and goodness that we contain?

It is never-ending, of course. We can’t stop creating. We can’t stop loving, or doing – unless we are detached and inhuman. Too many of us are husks of our real selves – too many of us ignore those flames. We extinguish them with bullshit, with garbage, with chemicals that make life seem like a chore instead of a journey to our greater selves and the heights we can reach if we take each step of the climb to get there.

It is more important than ever to do what we have always dreamed of.

The reason we are so scared of death, particularly of premature death, is that we will not have the experiences we’ve always wanted, or to create what we’ve kept inside of us for so long. We fear that it’s too late. We fear someone else will take it away from us.

Most of us deny it to OURSELVES. Most of us are killing ourselves slowly, yet we fear someone else doing it to us – it’s happening to almost everyone, all the time. We kill ourselves with “food”, drugs, horrible soul-crushing jobs, alcohol, awful relationships, and every other thing that does not give us true fulfillment.

It is more important than ever to release what we having burning inside us – those things that scorch our souls every day, that we are scared to let out, that we fear will be judged, that we are terrified will fall flat.

The only thing that can be happen if we don’t let it all loose, is that we just exist and not much more.

The body is able to be killed, but the essence of who we are cannot be. The only way we can express ourselves in this universe, as who we are, is through the body we inhabit. This is our chance to do everything we dream of. Other than procreating, that is what a physical body is FOR.

We are not experiencing LIFE as we could be, not experiencing the natural world, the WILD, the essence of being AWAKE and AWARE of the intoxicating elixir of the universe.

Many people will see it through using medicinal plants, but astonishment and wonder are always there, and we can grasp them at any time if we pay attention. We need to listen to the calling of the heart that resides in our GUTS. It is always talking to us.

We need to stop silencing it, weighing it down, distracting it, poisoning it. It needs to be HEARD.


The inferno within needs to burn and take over our lives. Our world needs visionaries with torrid passion to lead us to our own paths. We need contributions of mad desire, of dedicated obsession, of star-bright wonderment. This path is available to all, at any time – we just have to discover the way. There are no maps. The only guide we have is our own imagination.

It is more important than ever that we do it NOW, because some lunatic could just kill us at any time – a person who chose the wrong fork in the road – someone who never really got to be who they were truly destined to be – that denial of their possible greatness led them to nefarious choices. They could shoot us in the face while we sign autographs. Slaughter us while we dance at a nightclub. Murder us while we are in our car. Mow us down while we celebrate life with others. It’s impossible to know.

Unless you live through an ordeal where you almost lose your life, you may never stop taking life for granted.

Should we wait for these moments? Most people don’t have near-death experiences. Most people are already near death without even realizing it. Sitting in their chairs staring at screens, mindless, scarfing down cupcakes and pizza, slogging through cubicle jobs and corporate drudgery.

And for what?

To drown out the deep soul-calling to be what they are capable of.

Being an example of human possibility is not an easy task to take on. It takes strength and courage and love. Most of us don’t believe we have that in us.


The time is NOW. THIS SECOND. More than ever we are at risk – but remember – most people are dying slowly every single day of their own terror – the internal terrorism of their own minds.

We need to fight that internal war more than ever. We need to conquer ourselves.

The more of us that finally listen and follow this call, the more the world will heal, the better it will be, and maybe we can finally deem human beings a species worth calling magnificent.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae


Why Taking Risks is Crucial to Staying Alive

Lorra Fae Wildfire of Passion School will inspire you to go after your dreams and desires by encouraging you to take risks in life.

Tofino, 2003. Where I moved spontaneously for a year and still dream about.

It makes sense why hardly anyone goes after their dreams.

We wake up and work for other people for hours on end, going home exhausted, too tired to do what we really want to do. And on days off, we spend doing chores or errands, staying distracted, wasting time,  “keeping busy” instead of doing what is important to us.

The real shit. The important stuff is not the laundry or the dishes, it’s not playing video games, it’s not staring at a phone looking for cartoon creatures, it’s not clearing clutter off the desk or dusting the shelves. Those things can wait until after the important work – the stuff that feeds our souls.

Did you know that JK Rowling says the reason she managed to write while in poverty and get so much done, is because she lived in squalor for years?

She knew where the priorities were: Her daughter, and her dreams. The rest could wait – it’s not going anywhere.

We have it backwards. Either we need to get up REALLY early and go after what we want before we sell our souls to others to get our basic needs met, or not have “jobs” at all, and focus on our real work. Ourselves.

Your real job is yourself.

Your real money is TIME. The real focus should be FREEDOM, not things that tie us down.

We need to minimize, focus, and take little steps towards what we most desire. You know, the things your heart sings to you every night, what you daydream about while you’re stuck in the drudgery of your JOB, or what you imagine life being if you could only escape.

That is what really needs to be done, and the only way to get there is to get everything down to SIMPLE, and to take the first small step….

Eventually, we must take a GIANT one.

It has to be scary, or it’s not worthwhile.

It doesn’t need to all be worked out – in fact thinking about the outcome TOO much may hinder it from happening at all. We think about all that could go wrong, instead of all that could go right.

The thing is, we can’t imagine everything that will come our way. We simply can’t fathom certain things in life.

For example, there is no way in hell I would have ever imagined working for someone I looked up to for so long – even becoming her friend, but to have her offer me work, work that I enjoy, and that I can do nomadically and at my leisure (as long as it gets done) – never in my wildest imagination did I even consider this would be a possibility. People beg her for mentorship and to work for her, and it just fell in my lap. I didn’t even have to try. The only “step” I took was writing about how I felt about a situation happening to her, which she happened to read, and then we spoke and over time became friends. I was struggling to find a job, I couldn’t find anything in this new city I moved to – and eventually I got sick of that process and tried the opposite – ANYTHING and everything I could do to make money on my own.

Not long after, she offered me work because she wanted to help me – and she needed help, too. We helped each other.

I fully believe that this happened because my mindset changed and I started looking at life in a different way – one where I did not need a typical job to get by. I could hustle up my own way, and this allowed me so much freedom and so much more opportunity. It got rid of the humiliating processes of job-searching, the daunting, menial, boring tasks of writing cover letters and resumes – it allowed me to use my BRAIN, to problem solve, and to FIND SOLUTIONS.

No one else was offering me a solution when I wrote out my plan. No one else came to my rescue. I took responsibility, instead of feeling like a victim, and I also focused on the goodness of not being able to find a job – the freedom it allowed me. I wrote out my Plan Z and it sounded like an adventure, not destitution. But when I was finally in this mindset, a perfect opportunity came to me, that I still do in conjunction with everything else I have thought out.

Everything I do now allows me a lot of freedom. Freedom is my number one value. I can work from wherever I am, at what I enjoy. I get to say yes or no to any sort of work I take on. I set my schedule. I set my own pace. I am in charge of me, no one else.

My point in all this is to say: Jobs are something human beings should do as LITTLE as possible, so our most precious resource (TIME) can be utilized to LIVE, and to do the work we are MEANT to do – OUR OWN. Even if we do have to slave for others, in order to have enough to get by, raise children, and more, the bits of time we can allot for ourselves make every shred of difference to what will come to us in the future if we focus on simplifying our lives and focusing NOW on what we want.

The things we have always imagined. The things we have desired since childhood – the fantasies we always have. THOSE things. They are not meant to be ignored. You can do anything at all. It doesn’t matter. People surf with one arm, people snowboard who have no legs, people write books who can’t move their bodies, people escape prisons, escape war-torn countries, people survive being lost at sea – WE can overcome our stupid problems. None of these people were taught how to do these things – they managed to do them because the alternative was soul-death, a wasted life, complete and utter despair. A suicide. A half-life. They did anything and everything they could to get what they wanted, and it’s all because they were determined and knew precisely what they wanted to accomplish.

Instead of lamenting our lots in life, we must start to look for all the threads that lead away from them. They’re there, we just have to look for them – every place has ways out. Every dream has ways to begin. We just don’t want to consider them. We start off saying “I can’t.”

We need to start off saying, “I can – but how?”

And then we plan, we plot, we draw maps, we set sights on what we want, on those realities just waiting to come to life – because they can. They CAN. Despite ANY reason we can think up, they are possible.

We decide whether to prosper, survive, succeed, overcome – or we decide to turn over, be pummeled, and be steamrolled into a flat version of who we really are.

We don’t believe the visions we have of what we could be.

But we can all be them. The belief needs to be there. When we get away from the bullshit of life (the people who tell us no, the ones who tell us we’re expendable or stupid, the ones who break our hearts, the jobs that kill our souls, the towns that are so backwards we feel like aliens) and start honing in on what could allow us to move forward, we start to see the possibilities, and we start to gain confidence that JUST MAYBE we could do this thing – whatever it may be.

That fear needs to be conquered. It means we need to change ourselves.

It means we can’t identify as victims anymore.

This is the key – to choose another label. To choose one of the following: Survivor. Hero. Heroine. Boss. Warrior. Champion. Goddess. Star. Luminary. Explorer. Adventurer. Protector. Winner. Defender. Advocate. Queen. The Greatest. Fighter. Saviour.

Ditch the idea of being a victim. We are all victims of something – how we choose to overcome our setbacks is what makes the difference.

When we choose other labels, we must change ourselves – our behaviours, our beliefs, our lifestyles, in order to match our chosen identity. Then everything else will change. Friends and family may not like it, there may be backlash, struggles with money may occur – none of it MATTERS. What matters is that we become who we are meant to be – because when we are who we are supposed to be, WE LIFT EVERYONE ELSE UP WITH US.
We become inspirations, we become MENTORS. We become beacons of HOPE. We show everyone else that yes, we are humans beings, like you, who did nothing more than take a RISK, and that risk is the only thing standing between EVERY single person and what they have always wanted.

Risk doesn’t have to be so big that you potentially crash and ruin everything and everyone around you, but it has to be big enough that you change internally and your life shifts dramatically for the better.

“Take the leap” is not a cliche – it’s a bona fide CALL for everyone to step off that cliff – the landing may be hard, but we will survive – and if not? What’s the alternative? A half-life? Give me PASSION and authenticity ANY day over basic existence. We will survive, our children will survive, and they will learn from us that risk and passion is worth any adversity that might challenge us along the way.

We are imbued with life for only one reason – TO LIVE.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae





4 Reasons You Should Do Morning Pages to Improve Your life

4 Ways Morning Pages from The Artist's Way can Change your Life for the better

Morning Pages are the brainchild of Julia Cameron, who famously wrote The Artist’s Way back in 1992 – a book I have had in my home for well over a decade. Earlier this year, I felt a soft whisper in my mind – a call to finally read the book and do what it contained.

Morning Pages involve three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing every day when you wake up, before anything else, and you’re not allowed to stop, or edit, or really even think about what you’re writing. You spill your guts. You literally write whatever comes to mind. You can write “blah blah blah” until something else starts to form. It’s a release – you just open up and let it all fall on to paper.

Back in 1999 or so, I did start the course of the book, but didn’t get far, mostly because I was terrible at getting up early.

I was also put off by the use of the word “God” – even though it does not need to be read as a literal, religious term when it comes to the book. Once I got past this, the true worth of the book’s contents could shine. To allow one word or a basic concept to shroud the rest of it was absurd to me. (This was also something I struggled with in regards to the Anastasia series).

I did continue with Morning Pages for a while, but was deterred because I was so easily called to hit my snooze button, or I was more likely lured by the call of the Internet, still a fairly new addiction back then.

This year, however, I stuck with Morning Pages, and have, daily for months on end. I have completed about 8 weeks of the Artist’s Way and was so overwhelmed with ideas and inspiration (along with other things that stole my time) that the last few weeks are still something I need to finish.

The Morning Pages stuck, though, because they have been instrumental in my life changes.

They got me to start creating again. They lit a fire within me. They got me to quit my stupid job. They led me to see what was absolutely stupid in my life and what I needed to change.

They can do the same for you.


  1. They will show you your patterns.

When you start your day with writing about anything that comes to mind, and without thinking about it, patterns show up. When you find yourself writing about the same things over and over, you start to realize how monotonous and boring your life has become. You’ll start to see the same old complaints day in and day out. “My job sucks. I hate my life. My partner is annoying. I need to eat better. I feel sick again. I am depressed. I need to sleep more. I have a dry mouth. I woke up 10 times last night. I wish I could go on vacation. I don’t want to go to work. I’m sick of cleaning this bloody house.” Or whatever. On and on.

Our constant complaints, and what our subconscious spills out on the page consistently, comes to the forefront of our minds where we start to think constantly and consciously about them. We discover what things need to change. Then, we can start to write about alternatives.

       2. They will allow your subconscious to speak to you clearly.

We are so bombarded with information and distractions that it becomes almost impossible to listen to our inner voices, and to our hearts. Having 15-20 minutes of stream-of-consciousness writing allows us to FOCUS and also spill out what has been brewing without our even noticing, due to everything else going on. Then, those hidden gems are right in front of us, where we can see them start coming to life.

       3. They will inspire new life and new creations

Most people have their best ideas randomly, when they have no distractions. In the shower, walking, swimming, exercise, washing the dishes, meditation, the moments before falling asleep – singular tasks that don’t require a lot of thought – when your mind is allowed to wander. Often when people have these ideas, they’re fleeting because they are in a place where they do not have the means to write them down, and the ideas fly away like tiny birds, never to be seen again. With Morning Pages, they spill out ON paper, so even though you may not always want to re-read your pages, at least you know where those ideas are. They are made immortal, they can always be revisited. Thus, it will inspire action. You’ll have your beautiful ideas ready for you, and they can’t escape, they are caged, just waiting to be freed!

       4. They allow a fresh start to the day.

The pages are incredibly helpful for waking up. I’ve often started them while groggy, only to be wide awake upon finishing. On days where I have woken in a melancholy state, I have worked through it on paper and end up feeling hopeful. The days where I haven’t wanted to do them have been the more beneficial. I’ve had the most insight, and the most positive effect.

I highly encourage you to at least try this practice, even if you don’t go through the whole Artist’s Way course (which I do recommend doing()! Try it for at least a month and see what changes happen for you.

If none do…practice the pages for longer. I promise, you can expect great things to occur.


Please leave a comment and share!!

If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae


No Cheat Days Allowed

lorra fae wildfire tells you why cheat days are not good for you try to avoid a cheat day to better your life so you can create success and health and become your best self

I don’t have cheat days.

The whole idea of creating a lifestyle change and then damaging it with cheat days is bizarre to me.

When it comes to health and prosperity, why cheat? The changes made are for the betterment of the self, not to deprive oneself of anything.

Cheating on new habits is cheating yourself, and nothing more.

I find an all-or-nothing approach works the best. Give it 100%.

Without a cheat day, there will be BETTER results than expected. If there is competition involved, there will be a advantage. If there is health involved, vibrancy will expand even higher. If there is exercise involved, strength will be taken even further.

Results can only be bigger. Success can only be more imminent. Strength can only be greater. Life can only be better.

Cheating is a lie to oneself. It’s saying, “You’re not good enough to stick with this completely.” It’s saying, “You don’t really want to be doing this. What you really want to be doing is that…and you’re depriving yourself of it.” Deprivation breeds rebellion, and not many people can resist that for long. It’s also a tempting, naughty reward – something to look to the future for, instead of focusing on NOW.

We’re addicts and easy-pleasure seekers – it’s ingrained in us. Our ancient brains tell us to take the easy way, the comfortable way – and with all the choices around us and all the lies we’re fed from every direction, it’s so simple to get overwhelmed and say Fuck It and go for the easy route.

Dreams are not easy. They require complete dedication, not cheating.

Cheating is for people who don’t want the best results. It’s for people who don’t want to be the best possible version of themselves. It’s the opposite of dedication, or obsession.

Obsession is a good thing when it elevates who we want to become. We can’t cheat life, and we can’t fool our bodies, or our minds – so let’s throw the cheat days in the incinerator where they belong, along with all the bullshit that keeps us from being the most galactic versions of ourselves.

We need to remove the locks from the cages that hold those versions in, and we will never get there by cheating – we need to focus on the exact methods to set ourselves free.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae




Find Your Flame

Lorra Fae Wildfire teaches you how to find your flame, live your dreams and improve life

We all have the gift of a conscious, creative brain.

Why not USE it as much as possible? Don’t squander it.

Otherwise you’re just kind of…there. Like a worm…or a stump. Alive, but just existing, not LIVING.

When you’re truly alive, you’re living as you should, as you dream of.

This includes being aligned with nature, but also aligned with yourself.

You have desires – you must! You’re human. Being human without dreams and aspirations is like being a dragon without fire, or a shark with no fins – you just drift, gasping for breath, as you’re swept along in the tides of life, but you’re not swimming WITH them.

Find your flame, and move your fins, because you are otherwise just dust, molded into a human shape, before you scatter into the stratosphere.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae


How to Simplify Your Morning Routine

I spent the last month starting each morning with 3 hours of self-care, and while I felt super fantastic doing so, it took up a LOT of time. However, doing it allowed me to see what is really instrumental in making my day great, and what can either wait until later in the day, or doesn’t need to be done daily at all.

This can be a really good way to figure out what is essential to your well-being and what is instrumental in moving your FORWARD in life instead of keeping you stagnant.

You can see my detailed 3 hour self-care list here, but now my basic routine will be:

1. Hydration – still 32 oz of lemon blended with water, and CALM magnesium.
2. Morning Pages – I used to do this first, but found I kept complaining about being thirsty. This can also include my daily gratitude list or The Work, if I need it.
3. Meditation – to get calm and focused for the day.
4. Going over goals – I can start with a couple minutes of looking at inspiring quotes, but it’s not entirely necessary. What’s necessary is reminding myself what is important in my life, and taking ACTION on those things.
5. Green smoothie.
6. ACTION on my most important goals. Work.

The rest of my list can be dispersed throughout the day. Movement is super important but doesn’t need to be very first thing in the morning – sometimes it will be, and sometimes not, it just depends, but the earlier the better, really, and in NATURE, so the two can be combined, even better if barefoot and connecting with the earth.

What is absolutely most important is that I am hydrated, well-nourished, and working on things that are important to me. NOT indulging in what others are doing.

It should be the same for all of us, but the majority get up and look at their phone immediately – Facebook, or email, whatever – putting the needs of other people (often whom we don’t even know) before our own. Putting ourselves first is not selfish – it allows us to be FULL and then be able to give. We can’t be at our best unless we are full of what we most need.

Simplifying it down to our VERY basics is imperative. What is essential for you to feel your very best? Do those things RIGHT AWAY when you get up for the day. If you hate getting up, then go to bed early – if you start your day hating the thought of even getting out of bed, it’s not a good omen. Good sleep is absolutely essential or life will be sludge. Who wants that?

Another thing is to eliminate what is NOT essential. Stop looking at your phone, your email, your Facebook feed – who CARES what other people are eating, or whining about? Focus on YOU. What do YOU want? Are you DOING those things? Or are you being distracted by things you won’t even think about again in 5 seconds?

Pare down everything. You don’t have to give up social media, but cut out everything that is keeping you from LIVING. I get it – some things are super inspiring – keep those, but get rid of anything that brings you down, doesn’t add to your life in some way, or is just something you’re doing to KILL TIME (which is the ONLY thing we have! Why are you wasting it, or killing it? You don’t get an infinite amount!)

It sounds so easy and simple, and it is, but the simplest step is usually the one NO one takes – WRITING IT DOWN.

If you can’t write out a plan, you’re doomed.

Everyone can afford to do this. You can’t afford NOT to.

You need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Put your plan out where you can see it all the time and look at it EVERY day when you get up, and every night before you go to sleep. EASY. FREE.

Doing this, and then following what you write down with action, is one of the best things you will ever do, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. Even if you’re the busiest person in the world, you can add to it and refine it in the few moments you have throughout the day. And guess what? If you’re that busy you need to do it even MORE, because I bet you ANYTHING that a lot of what is keeping you so busy is not even necessary and not adding to your life in any capacity, and it’s keeping you in an unmoving, bland state, where you think you are stuck forever.

You’re not. Simplicity is the key to everything. Essentialism. Adapt this, and watch your whole life shift.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae


How The Revenant Inspired Me to Be Better

From about 1993 until this year, A Clockwork Orange was my favourite film.

I’ve seen it over 45 times, and was seriously obsessed with anything to do with it as a teenager.

Then I saw the Revenant.

I know that this might not seem to go with the theme of this blog but wait….

When I saw it, throughout the whole thing, I was riveted – I knew before I ever saw it that it may end up being my very favourite movie because it combined things I really love in film – wilderness survival, beautiful cinematography, and a revenge story.

And while the story was captivating, the beauty of this film enveloped me like nothing ever had. I found myself thinking: “I will never create anything this beautiful.”

This thought haunted me for a while. But then I thought – why the hell not? I have every bit of capability to create intense beauty – just as much as anyone else. It just takes intense focus, dedication, and obsession.

The director obviously lives for making movies, and I clearly live for passion. When I thought about that film and how gorgeous it was, I started to think about ALL of my favourite things: in music, in books, photographs, art – the things that are so unbelievably gorgeous that how could I possibly fathom creating something on that level?

Well, why not? These people are as human as me or you. The point is to try, and to fail over and over and over again and then one day…it’s magic. It spills out; you’ve mastered your art – even if you can get even BETTER, you’ve reached a pinnacle moment where you just fucking SHINE.

But you have to start with crappy. You have to begin, and just do it over and over and over, and get better each time, and continue building, bettering, refining – and one day the beauty of what you create will blow at least SOMEONE’S mind, if not many minds – but of course you have to SHARE it, too.

And so, instead of feeling intimidated, I felt inspired to really try, to improve, and to “ship” no matter what, and take criticism if I must, because all I want to do is get better, all I want to do is create beauty, live healthfully, inspire others, help the world, and on and on, and the more we improve, the more the world will improve, but only if we share, only if we are brave enough to put ourselves out there, and you are the same, the same, so do it, work on what you love the MOST, and SHARE IT, so we can watch you progress and then celebrate your triumphs and faint with beauty when you reach that moment of astounding glory, because you can – we all can, we just need to find what we love the most and do it – or many things if we can’t choose – but we must do those things every damn day until we die, and leave something behind, a beauty legacy to lift everyone up when things are dark – those stories we tell can live on and help more people, inspire many, and make this world even better than it naturally is – because it’s all beautiful.

Funny how a movie inspired all these thoughts in me. I doubt that was the intent of the film – the intent was to create something beautiful and amazing, of course – but to inspire some random girl to better her attempts at everything she does – that was a byproduct.

So you never know if what you are doing will be meaningful or not – make it meaningful to YOU first, but share it with us, you never know how it will inspire someone, and make sure you put ALL of your heart into it, all of your PASSION, or why bother? If you’re not passionate about it, DROP IT, and spend that time on what you REALLY love.

Fucking do it or waste your breath, waste your time, waste your life. Time is the only currency, time is the only thing that matters – that breath sustains you more than any other thing – without breath we are dead in the dirt, and we want to thrive in the sky, making fucking rainbows and nebulas and galaxies to shine down on everyone else who is underneath a cloud of gloom.

Shine on shine on, and we will see it, you will burn in the dark and beckon us to follow. We need leaders, so lead. You can choose that role for yourself, so step up that ladder and be a north star for the lost.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae


When to Take Advice – And When Not To

A lot of people give bad freakin’ advice, and even worse, a lot of people get really good advice…and ignore it.

Deep down, all of us really know what we need to do to fix our problems, but we also ignore ourselves (and we’re lazy). Why do we ignore our better judgment? It’s insane.

A good rule of thumb is that if everyone is giving you the same advice, you should probably take it, or at least try it. But if you know deep inside that it’s not the right decision for you, listen to THAT, first.

Intuition first, advice second.

You never want to blindly follow the masses; they are almost always wrong. – G. Cardone


Another point to keep in mind is that whoever you’re taking advice from should be getting the results that YOU desire.

Take health and lifestyle advice from people who are thriving.
Take financial advice from people who aren’t struggling.
Take life advice from people who are living their passions and who are free. You know, happy people.
Take relationship advice from people who are still madly in love after years of being together.

How many times have you read a manual, then read another, and then another, and still not taken an action?

Have you actually ever followed someone else’s map instead of just reading it?

Even better, have you ever created your OWN map, and followed that?  Or is it still just floating in your head, along with thought bubbles for “one day” and “maybe?”

Here’s some good advice: Write that shit DOWN. Follow the map. Discover buried treasure (your possible life).

Listen to the cues of the universe. Often, the answers you are seeking are colliding with you from all sides, but you are oblivious to them because you aren’t open to changing.

Staying stagnant, staying still, are easy. Movement and change are hard. Us humans hate hard, but it’s the only way to get better.

And if you weren’t in need of a change, you wouldn’t be searching. You wouldn’t be reading this now. You wouldn’t feel the need for advice.

Often, we don’t need advice at all. We want reassurance. We want to be told what we want to hear so we don’t have to take responsibility for ourselves.

The best advice is from the voice inside. Stop numbing it. Stop ignoring it.

Stop hoping things will change, and change yourself. It’s the only way to glory.


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If you enjoyed this post (or any of my posts!), please consider a small (or large!) donation to fund my way to a martial arts seminar. There are rewards for certain amounts given, so please help out with a “tip” or a gift! You’ll be helping me to improve so I can teach other women to kick ass in the future!

You can also follow me on:

Instagram: Lorrafae and Passion School

Twitter: MissLorra

Facebook: Lorra Fae Wildfire

Snapchat: Lorrafae
